Challenges in Creativity and PsychologyThis book is divided into two parts. The first part presents contemporary approaches to the study of creativity. The second part tries to establish a bridge between creativity – seen as an object of study – and the creative exercise of Psychology.

Part I is entitled «Perspectives in Creativity». It is made up of 12 chapters, which deal with theoretical topics. These topics include, among others, the different scientific views of creativity, the personal creativity and authenticity for a creative 21st Century (Mark Runco), creativity in science and the link between art and science (Manuela Romo). Similarly, in Part I, empirical studies on creative processes are presented.

Part II, entitled «Psychology and Creativity in Action», is composed of eight chapters, and has a great diversity. The chapters cover, for example, topics on associative learning, innovative proposals for school interventions, the use of illusionism as a psychological tool, and many other equally interesting topics.

«Challenges in Creativity & Psychology…» is enriched with the opinion of five great visionaries in the study of creativity: Howard Gardner, James Kaufman, Keith Sawyer, Margaret Boden, and Robert Sternberg, who contribute some lines exclusively for this book.

«Challenges in Creativity & Psychology for the XXI Century» is available at UDLAP, at Issuu, and at Researchgate.

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