EDFbrowser, compiled for Mac (El Capitán. Mac OS X 10.11.2)

EDFbrowser is a free, open source toolbox intended for EEG, EMG, ECG, etc (http://www.teuniz.net/edfbrowser/)

The distribution that I compiled is 156. (Update: 165 here or  159 here)

When you run it for first time, you will need to open it with contextual menu and select Open.

Download EDFbrowser (156) compiled for Mac (Update: 165 here or  159 here)

Maybe you will need to have Macports in order to run it.

If you want to compile for yourself

Install Xcode (from App Store)
Instal command line terminal tools typing in Terminal: xcode-select —install
Install macports http://www.macports.org
Type in terminal: sudo port install qt4-mac (It will take a long time)
When finish, look for Frameworks folder, at Macintosh HD/opt/local/libexec/qt4/Library/
Create an alias of Frameworks at /opt/local/Library
Download last version of EDFbrowser (156 in my case): http://www.teuniz.net/edfbrowser/
Untar with double click and you will get a folder (edfbrowser_156_source in this example)
Type in terminal: cd edfbrowser_156_source (or type cd, press space bar and drag folder to terminal)
Type in terminal: /opt/local/libexec/qt4/bin/qmake
Type in terminal: make
Look at your folder edfbrowser_156_source and you will find an app. Open it.

You can move the EDFbrowser.app to your apps Folder.

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3 Comments para “EDFbrowser compiled (Mac OS X)”

  1. sobre 21 May 2017 en 8:33 amJulia

    Hey, I tried to install it, but their is a problem with the file says my mac …

  2. […] Instructions how to compile EDFbrowser on the Mac (156 version, but you will need to change version number) […]

  3. […] Instructions how to compile EDFbrowser on the Mac (156 version, but you will need to change version number) […]

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